Diplomatischer Pressedienst

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Solange Eveline K. Rita AGNEKETOM/BOGORE - Ambassador of Burkina Faso


Date of Birth:        November 24, 1963

Place of Birth:      Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso        

Marital Status:       Married




-        University Postgraduate Professional Diploma in Development and International Cooperation, in the Department of Political Sciences at the University of Paris I, Pantheon, Sorbonne.


-        Post-graduate Diploma taken before completing a PhD in German language at the University of Paris X, Nanterre, France


-        1991 – Master Degree in German Language, University of Paris I, Nanterre, France.


Professional Background


2013 – 2014:  Ambassador/Deputy Permanent Representative to Vienna


2008 – 2013, Director of Specific Organizations at the Department in charge of               

                      Multilateral Relations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional    



2003 – 2008: Second Counselor, Embassy/Permanent Mission of Burkina 

                      Faso to Vienna / Austria.


2000 – 2003: Head, Pacific – Caribbean Department, Ministry of Foreign 

                      Affairs, Burkina Faso.


1998           :  Foreign Affairs Counselor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Burkina



Other Interests and Experiences


2008 – 2013/2000 – 2003: Gender Issues focal point for the Ministry of Women Affairs within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Cooperation and member of the National Committee for monitoring commitments made by Burkina Faso at the international Level.


1999           :  Internship in diplomacy at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


2001            :  Training on disarmament by the United Nations.


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